
Question - is it possible to bind both FromQuery and Body object using this library

simmohall opened this issue ยท 14 comments

It is possible to do this as I can't workout how based on the TRequest, TResponse definition. The below will obviously not compile.


public class MyEndpoint : BaseEndpoint<PayloadBody, string>
[ProducesResponseType(StatusCodes.Status200OK, Type = typeof(string))]
public override ActionResult Handle([FromQuery] string externalTicketId, PayloadBody payload)

I have no idea if the below comment will be helpful or applicable to this library. I just started looking at it now.

But with MediatR I did this and it would work. On the query/command/request itself you put the attributes on the properties themselves where it's coming from. At least back then, [FromBody] had to map to an object, so you couldn't just put a bunch of [FromBody] attributes on different properties. It looked something like this:

public class ResourceRequest : TRequest<TResponse>
    public int ExternalTicketId { get; set; }

    public ResourceRequestBody Body { get; set; }

    public class ResourceRequestBody
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

Good luck, Again I have no idea if this works in this library.

I'll add though, looking back... I'd probably just remove the stuff from the query/route in these cases and just put those parameters into the body/payload if you can. Because I was using AutoMapper, and some other tools to make things "easier" I had to deal with these two levels of stuff... when I could have, in this case, just put that ExternalTicketId into the payload body.

I was about to ask the same question, or at least similar. There is a use case when I want to add a child to a parent with the request:

POST http://localhost/parent/{id}/children


"firstName": "Steve",
"lastName": "Smith"

In a "normal" controller we'd define the endpoint:

public async Task<ActionResult> AddChild([FromRoute] Guid id, [FromBody] ChildModel child)

We can't do this with Endpoints so I tried adding a wrapper class like above

public class WrappedRequest {
    [FromRoute] public Guid Id {get;set;}
    [FromBody] public ChildModel Child {get;set;}

public async Task<ActionResult> AddChild(WrappedRequest request)

and defining the endpoint thus:

public class AddChildEndpoint : BaseAsyncEndpoint
        .WithRequest<WrappedRequest >

This didn't work and failed to bind the properties.

At a loss as to what to do now, I don't want to stop using Endpoints, but I feel that this is a very common pattern and should be supported.... is it? Am I doing something wrong?

yeah I never solved this problem - which is unfortunate as I also really enjoy this library and pattern. I fallback to using the default controllers for now for these cases

ยฟCould be this a possible solution?

public static class WithRequest<TRequest1, TRequest2>
    public abstract class WithResponse<TResponse> : BaseEndpointAsync
        public abstract Task<ActionResult<TResponse>> HandleAsync(
            TRequest1 request1,
            TRequest2 request2,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default

    public abstract class WithoutResponse : BaseEndpointAsync
        public abstract Task<ActionResult> HandleAsync(
            TRequest1 request1,
            TRequest2 request2,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default

Even with three

public static class WithRequest<TRequest1, TRequest2, TRequest3>
    public abstract class WithResponse<TResponse> : BaseEndpointAsync
        public abstract Task<ActionResult<TResponse>> HandleAsync(
            TRequest1 request1,
            TRequest2 request2,
            TRequest3 request3,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default

    public abstract class WithoutResponse : BaseEndpointAsync
        public abstract Task<ActionResult> HandleAsync(
            TRequest1 request1,
            TRequest2 request2,
            TRequest3 request3,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = default

I had the same issue but after further exploration and fiddling around I realise that the Model Binding actually takes care of this.

All that is needed is to create your Model Class and decorate your properties with the attributes you need. i.e.

 public class NewArticleRequest
        [FromRoute(Name = "username")] public string Username { get; set; }
        [FromRoute(Name ="category")] public string Category { get; set; }

        [FromBody] public Article Article { get; set; }
        [FromHeader (Name = "Content-Type")] public string ContentType { get; set; }

Then you can make use of it in your End Point as follows

    public class Post : BaseAsyncEndpoint
            Summary = "Submit a new article",
            Description = "Enables the submission of new articles",
            OperationId = "B349A6C4-1198-4B53-B9BE-85232E06F16E",
            Tags = new[] {"Article"})
        public override Task<ActionResult> HandleAsync([FromRoute] NewArticleRequest request,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
           //// your implementation

The only snag/issue/bug I seem to run into seems to be related only to the [FromRoute] is that it doesn't seem to bind those specific properties unless you explicity set the in the HandleAsync([FromRoute] NewArticleRequest request but other than that it seems to work

Another key point to remember is when making use of Model Binding on [FromRoute is that case sensitivity matters. So if you if have potentially different casing on route variable than on your Class property you can make use of the Name to provide the case sensitive name. i.e.

     [FromRoute(Name = "username")] public string Username { get; set; }

Also as in the case for the Content-Type header variable is hyphenated but we don't use the in C# naming convention we use as follows

 [FromHeader (Name = "Content-Type")] public string ContentType { get; set; }

Can others confirm here if @garywoodfine 's approach works? If so I will be sure to get it added to the docs and will avoid adding additional complexity to the underlying package. If it doesn't work, please provide an example of what you're doing that doesn't work. Thanks!

I've just spun up an API from scratch. Confirmed that this way does work. The important part is having the [FromRoute] attribute in the method declaration eg public override async Task<ActionResult> HandleAsync([FromRoute] Blah request)


public class WeatherForecastController : BaseAsyncEndpoint
    public override async Task<ActionResult> HandleAsync([FromRoute] CreateForecastRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
        //do work


public class CreateForecastRequest
    [FromRoute(Name="day")] public string Day { get; set; }
    [FromBody] public ForecastModel Forecast { get; set; }

public class ForecastModel
    public string Summary { get; set; }


POST http://localhost:5000/weather/5/stuff

    "summary": "Bad weather"

I have closed PR #50

As an FYI this method confuses Swashbuckle - the generated UI will assume the request body is the parameter type and seemingly is ignorant of the property flag FromBody

So to follow @matt-lethargic's example, whilst the API endpoint will be expecting the request body in the form of a ForecastModel a la:

    "summary": "Bad weather"

The swagger UI and document will describe it as:

  "day": "string",
  "forecast": {
    "summary": "string"

There may well be an easy workaround - I only tried this out about 90mins ago and haven't been able to locate a solution in that time. I'm also pretty certain this is something for Swashbuckle to fix but thought others may find this useful to know.

There may well be an easy workaround - I only tried this out about 90mins ago and haven't been able to locate a solution in that time. I'm also pretty certain this is something for Swashbuckle to fix but thought others may find this useful to know.

@Jestar342 have you reported this issue to Swashbuckle? I just faced same problem...

I've documented this in the README.

@Jestar342 and @fw2568 did you ever find a solution?

I filed an issue here: domaindrivendev/Swashbuckle.AspNetCore#2346

@ffMathy, @Jestar342, @fw2568

Running AspNet Core 6:

public class WeatherForecastController : EndpointBaseAsync.WithRequest<CreateForecastRequest>.WithoutResult
  public override async Task<ActionResult> HandleAsync([FromRoute] CreateForecastRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken = new CancellationToken())
    await Task.CompletedTask;
    return Ok();

public record CreateForecastRequest
  [FromRoute] // don't need to specify for capitalization [FromRoute(Name = "day")]
  public string Day { get; set; }

  public ForecastModel Forecast { get; set; }

public record ForecastModel
  public string Summary { get; set; }

Renders in Swagger


I recently published this which I'm experimenting with for this purpose as well:

gius commented

I recently published this which I'm experimenting with for this purpose as well:

How do you combine Ardalis.RouteAndBodyModelBinding with ApiEndpoints?

And one more question - is it possible to define request parameters' attributes (FromRoute, FromBody) in a fluent way, out of the request class?