
Cannot get sample database setup.

FullShovelDev opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, I'm a Pluralsight subscriber and I'm having some trouble getting this sample to work.

Here's what I've done.

  1. Changed "(LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB" to -> "(LocalDB)\projectsv13"
    in FrontDesk.Web web.config and SharedDatabaseTests App.config
  2. Changed the Defalut Connection Factory parameter value from "v11.0" to "v13.0"
    in SharedDatabaseTests App.config and VetOffice.SharedDatabase App.config

I then run the Unit Test to create the database "FrontDeskDatabase"

I then run the FrontDesk.Web app in Debug mode and receive the following exception.

SqlException: Cannot open database "FrontDesk.Web-20130819200722" requested by the login. The login failed.
Login failed for user 'DESKTOP-123{myWindowsUsername}'.

I confirmed that I have a proper Login for this localdb instance and that I'm owner of the "FrontDeskDatabase"

First question that came to mind is, do I also need to create the database FrontDesk.Web-20130819200722 because how can I log into a database that doesn't exist?

First attempt to fix. I changed the name in the connection string(s) to mach the database that was created by running the Unit Test and Bam! I got a new exception.

SqlException: Invalid object name 'dbo.Schedules'.

I think I'm almost there. However I've never used a "Database Project". I'm not sure if or how I should get the tables into the actual database.

Thanks for any assistance.