
Mask is not reflected in help output

idefixcert opened this issue · 11 comments

Is it intentional that masked field values are printed during the help output?
--db-password/$CLOUD-API_DB_PASSWORD (default: postgres)

Actually I missed that in the help message. Hahaha

We need to get that fixed and have mask and noprint respect the help output as well.

That would be brilliant.

@idefixcert did you ever work on this?

Hey @ardan-bkennedy and @idefixcert - is it kewl if I take a stab at fixing this issue?

Hey @ardan-bkennedy

I've added a PR for this issue. When you have a moment, I'd love your feedback :)

It might take till the end of the day or tomorrow, but I will look at this before the end of the week! Thanks!

No worries :) Thanks!
