Keyboard accessory is apart from keyboard, unless the TextInput is in Scrollview
MorcosS opened this issue · 3 comments
Now I am having an issue with the KeyboardNavigation Component, It is always having a space away from the keyboard when the TextInput is not in ScrollView. Although I am adding it to the top view of the component that is having flex:1 as explained in the documentation.
<View style={{ flex: 1 }} > <View style={styles.flatListView} > <FlatList keyExtractor={(item, index) => index.toString()} data={commentsData} renderItem={this.renderComment} refreshControl={<Spinner />} refreshing={refreshing} onRefresh={() => this.props.refreshCommentsData(postId)} /> </View> <View style={styles.commentPostView} > <View style={{ flex: 3, shadowOffset: { width: 1, height: 1 }, shadowColor: 'grey', shadowOpacity: 0.6, }} > <TextInput underlineColorAndroid={"transparent"} returnKeyType={'next'} onSubmitEditing={this.postComment} style={styles.commentPost} onChangeText={this.onCommentChanged} autoCorrect={false} placeholder={'Write Comment...'} placeholderTextColor='grey' /> </View> </View> {Platform.OS == 'ios' ? <KeyboardAccessoryNavigation nextDisabled={true} previousDisabled={true} onNext={()=>{}} onPrevious={()=>{}} /> : <View /> } </View> }
What I want to do is to keep the TextInput at the bottom of the screen, so I don't want to add a scrollView.
I have only solved that by adding a scrollView to the view where the TextInput is found and I don't want to do that.
Any Solution for that?
Please see #17
@ardaogulcan, i really appreciate your support, actually i am also facing this issue. so i went to #17 i observed your final comment on that. i used your refactored code of @ismailcaferoglu to test this issue.
but still i am facing that issue. i tested in my android emulator Nexus 5x, API 27.
@saiteja59. Thanks for providing extra information. I've reopened issue #17. I will try with the specs you provided and update #17.