
Line chart chart_data_line_style "none" defaults to automatic

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brp221 commented

Hi mschart community,

I am trying to create a line chart over a bar chart without displaying an actual line like in the image below. However despite specifying chart_data_line_style('none') in the code, the line still shows up. Here is the code with the reproducible R example with sample iris data and the way I am currently implementing ms_linchart(). :


diamondLineWrapper <- function(data, x, y, group){

data_text_style <- fp_text(font.size = 12, bold = F, color = "#5a5a5a" )

g <- ms_linechart(data = data, x = x, y = y, group = group) %>%
chart_settings( grouping = "standard") %>%
chart_data_fill( "#002c77") %>%
chart_ax_x(display=1,cross_between = "midCat",major_tick_mark = "none",minor_tick_mark = "none", rotation = -30) %>%
chart_ax_y(display=1, major_tick_mark = "none", minor_tick_mark = "none", rotation = 0) %>%
chart_data_labels(show_val = F) %>%
chart_labels(title = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "") %>%
# chart_data_line_width(values = c( "Peer Group" = 0) ) %>%
chart_data_line_style('none') %>% # having trouble making line disappear
chart_data_symbol("diamond") %>%
chart_data_size(10) %>%
axis_text_x = fp_text(color = "black", font.size = 10, bold = T),
axis_text_y = fp_text(color = "black"),
axis_title_y = fp_text(color = "black"),
axis_title_x = fp_text(color = "black"),
grid_major_line_y = fp_border(width = 0, color="black"), # sirve para hacer cuadricula
grid_major_line_x = fp_border(width = 0, color="#F0F0F0"),
legend_text = fp_text(font.size = 10, bold = F),
legend_position = "t",
axis_ticks_y = fp_border(width = 1, color="black"),
axis_ticks_x = fp_border(width = 1, color="black"))) %>% chart_theme()

iris <- select(iris, c("Species", "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width"))
iris_melted <- melt(iris, id.vars = c("Species"))

diamond_chart<- diamondLineWrapper(iris_melted, x = "variable", y = "value", group = "Species")

doc <- read_pptx()
doc <- add_slide(doc, layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme")
doc <- ph_with(doc, value = diamond_chart, location = ph_location_fullsize())
print(doc, target = "example.pptx")

The view I want :

The view I currently get :

Please let me know if there is something that Im doing wrong or am missing. Or if you think there is a better way to create the view as in the image

Thank You !