Ability to exclude Query, Mutation and Subscription types from imported schema
Opened this issue · 6 comments
This feature would be useful when we have types and inputs generated by Prisma, and want to add custom implemented Query and Mutation for real-world app.
For example:
const { importSchema } = require("graphql-import");
const { GraphQLServer } = require('graphql-yoga');
const { mergeTypes } = require("merge-graphql-schemas");
const typeDefs = mergeTypes([
importSchema(`# import * from './src/graphql/generated/prisma.graphql'`),
readFileSync('./src/common/schema.graphqls', {encoding: 'utf-8'}),
readFileSync('./src/auth/schema.graphqls', {encoding: 'utf-8'}),
], { all: true });
const server = new GraphQLServer({
But now I can't do that because importSchema
grabs generated Query and Mutation types directly into application API.
I've made a fork, that works exactly as I need.
It has one difference in index.ts:
document.definitions = completeDefinitionPool(
[], // empty array instead of "firstSet"
@atten I think I'm right in saying that if the imported file has any duplicate type
(including type Query
) it won't import the duplicate. So if you merged your readFileSync
lines and then unshift
on the import, I think you get this for free.
@Siyfion unfornunately, graphql-import
does import duplicates.
I've tried to transform import like this, but got multiple errors
Field Mutation.%s can only be defined once.
let typeDefs = mergeTypes([
readFileSync('./src/common/schema.graphqls', {encoding: 'utf-8'}),
readFileSync('./src/auth/schema.graphqls', {encoding: 'utf-8'}),
], { all: true });
typeDefs = importSchema(typeDefs + `
# import * from './src/graphql/generated/prisma.graphql'
@atten I've done exactly this and it's working fine...? :/
The only thing I can see different is that I have my # import
lines at the top of my SDL file.
I've got a solution outlined here: https://medium.com/@lastmjs/advanced-graphql-directive-permissions-with-prisma-fdee6f846044