Embedding This Onto Github Website
ChefFloyardee opened this issue · 2 comments
I have two questions;
First, is there a way to embed this onto a website to allow it to play a pre-loaded ROM (with the ability to save it)?
Second, is there a way to do the same thing with your regular GB emulator?
If so, could you provide me with some help as to what steps I need to take to accomplish this?
Thanks and please let me know ;D
I already built a little website project. https://github.com/ardean/jsGBC-web
You can try it out here https://ardean.github.io/jsGBC-web/
For the second question, I'm not sure what you mean. A regular GB ROM works with this emulator too.
You can tell me where exactly you need help.
Thanks for replying!
So I made my own ROM hack of Pokered, and I want to host it on my own Github website via an embedded emulator.
Currently, I have this using Nesbox, but it is a bit choppy and the sound is not as good as it could be.
I think your emulator might work better, but I want to embed it onto this page. Can you help me do this? I would obviously credit your emulator on the page!