
Customize toast

jacksonsophat opened this issue · 3 comments

This isn't an issue, just a question.

How can I customize a toast globally? For example, change the background color that can work across the app?

Thank you!

Hello! Does this help? You can set background color of the toast globally on the <Toaster /> component. Or do you mean when using toast.custom()?

I don't think that would work the way I want it. I want to have border red for error and green for success globally.
Hope I make sense.

as i noticed by inspecting the the documentation site i realized that you can get your desirable result with global CSS customization here is a example bellow.

i noticed that the div of toast uses the sldt-active class so we can selected toast with following code.

/** just a example **/
.sldt-active > div {
  border-color: red;
  border-width: 2px;