
Yolov3 model operation did not accelerate significantly

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, thank you very much for sharing. It's a great project.
After I use tensor-rt to convert yolov3 model according to your steps, I find that the calculation improvement is not obvious.
The FPS of the original model and tensorrt model are about 30.
The platform I use is Google colab. It's strange that on a CPU only platform, acceleration is obvious, while GPU platform acceleration is not.
I'm very confused about this. What's wrong?
(Has Google colab optimized the model calculation?)

Hello, thank you very much for sharing. It's a great project.
After I use tensor-rt to convert yolov3 model according to your steps, I find that the calculation improvement is not obvious.
The FPS of the original model and tensorrt model are about 30.
The platform I use is Google colab. It's strange that on a CPU only platform, acceleration is obvious, while GPU platform acceleration is not.
I'm very confused about this. What's wrong?
(Has Google colab optimized the model calculation?)

me too

+1 , The speed and model size is the same. However, the number of nodes slightly reduced.
Screenshot from 2020-09-28 12-14-27