
No OpKernel was registered to support Op TRTEnginOp used by {{node_TRTEngineOp_4}}

Opened this issue · 2 comments



gives the below error, and I have:

  • The TensorFlow-GPU 1.15.0
  • The Nvidia RTX 2070

Any idea what could be the reason?!


@Niloofar-bgh I am facing same error did you find any solution to this?

@Niloofar-bgh I am facing same error did you find any solution to this?

Not really; I was trying to run the code on my personal computer, I wasn't successful, then I switched to using Google Colab, which I successfully executed the code! My assumption for the issue is the version incompatibility of libraries and dependencies! However, if you found a solution to the problem, please let me know.