
Issues with the library

skhrlx opened this issue · 1 comments

Basically, when i run this sketch into my arduino, he just write "=", he dont write "a".

I just already tried:

*Modify "a" in >KeyboardLayout.cpp using the key code given for me at, and the arduino continue writing "="
*I tried run it in a Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 and i got the same issue
*I tried other default layout, es_ES, return a ")"

I use the ABNT 2 Keyboard Layout(brazilian layout...)

I just trying to make this work like 6 hours, i just dont know what i can do more...apreciate any response

#include <Keyboard.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {

According to the manual page of Keyboard.write(), the provided argument should be:

a char or int to be sent to the computer. Can be sent in any notation that’s acceptable for a char.

You can thus use

Keyboard.write('a');  // 'a' is a char

If you want to send a string of characters, like "a" (double quotes mean “string”), you should use Keyboard.print() instead.

Given that the correct usage is documented, I would consider this issue invalid.