
Lost downlink when using LowPower.deepSleep()

remuslazar opened this issue · 1 comments

This issue was also covered in depth here arduino-libraries/MKRWAN#36 and this problem still persists using the MKRWAN_v2 Library and 1.3.1 fw.

I want to bring this up again. Because of this issue it is currently not possible to use the e.g. Arduino MKRWAN 1310 device in a more realistic, battery powered scenario. The documentation also claims

power consumption is now as low as 104uA!

and also the use of the ArduinoLowPower library.

Because of the quite slow serial speed (9600 bps) another alternative could also be waking up the SIMD21 on SERCOM traffic. This issue was also covered here arduino-libraries/ArduinoLowPower#20 and IMO this could be the better approach to solve this problem indirectly, not having to fiddle with the Murata firmware.