
Library name change request

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi @psachs. I see the name of the library has been changed in the library metadata:


However, Library Manager works exclusively from Git tags, so the system wouldn't be able to process the name change until you create a new release or tag in the library repository.

If you look at the repository contents at the latest tag, you can see that the version the Library Manager system would see now still has the currently registered name:


❗ Remember to update the version field in the library's file as needed before making a release/tag.

Once you have done that, please add a comment here on the issue thread to let us know we can proceed with the name change request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Regards, Per

I updated the version in and created a 1.1.0 tag. The repository should therefore be ready for renaming.

Regards, Pascal

Hi @psachs. I am confirming your request.

Unlike submissions, this type of request is still handled manually. The Library Manager index maintainer occasionally comes through to clear all the outstanding requests. They will close this issue when it is done. You will get a notification from GitHub at that time.

After that, you can monitor the indexing of the library via its dedicated logs web page.
Information about that here:


2024/06/13 14:55:21 Loaded 7066 libraries from DB
Removing SensirionUartSfx6xxx