
Weird highlight for some text

Closed this issue · 1 comments

For most of the text, it works perfectly. But for the following text, the highlight seems a little weird. The text is given as follows:

Figure \ref{rin} shows the input characteristics of BC109 transistor\footnote{Acquired using PSpice}. When input current is about \SI{18}{\micro A}, which is the base current in DC analysis, the value of $R_\pi$ is about \SI{2.1}{k\ohm}. Since $v_{in} = R_\pi i_b$, it can be acquired $v_{in, \text{MAX}} = \SI{62.1}{mV}$ and $v_{in, \text{MIN}} = \SI{-38.0}{mV}$. However, since the input current varies in a large range, there exist a large uncertainty in the value of $r_\pi$, especially for the trough of input signal, leading to a low input current and a small $r_\pi$. Therefore, at the peak of output signal, the amplification factor might not be as large as expected. Generally speaking, the result is corresponding to the result within range of error.

The highlight result is:

Using Monokai syntax theme, but will happen for nearly all of the syntax themes.
Happening on both Windows and Linux.

Closing the issue as this is a duplicate of #88 and some others. It is Atom's limitation and the current workaround is to wrap the text at proper length.