
flow vm error on android.

bitraft opened this issue · 1 comments

run bytecode from Android , VM crashed immediate.

06-23 15:01:01.519 24010 24010 D ViewRootImpl@22ab8ba[FlowRunnerActivity]: setView = DecorView@a55836b[FlowRunnerActivity] touchMode=true
06-23 15:01:01.521 24010 24010 I dk.area9.flowrunner: Received intent:
06-23 15:01:01.524 24010 24010 D ViewRootImpl@66470dc[FlowRunnerActivity]: dispatchAttachedToWindow
06-23 15:01:01.530  1309  3759 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{9aacbfdd0 u0 dk.area9.flowrunner/dk.area9.flowrunner.FlowRunnerActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=949x460 WM.LayoutParams{(0,0)(wrapxwrap) gr=#11 sim=#120 ty=2 fl=#1820002 fmt=-2 wanim=0x1030002 needsMenuKey=2 naviIconColor=0}
06-23 15:01:01.531   724   724 I SurfaceFlinger: id=768 createSurf (1x1),1 flag=4, GlowRunnerA
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 I dk.area9.flowrunner: Flow compiler (3rd generation)
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: Invalid Tag: str (string expected, void found)
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: Error during last opcode [0x119fa5]: 7
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: Location: <native>
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: DataStack.size() = 2339, CallStack.size() = 6hp = 12ef3ac, HeapStart = 0x11a000, HeapEnd = 0x211a000
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner:    0x00119fa5:	Last
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: #0  0x00119fa5 in <native>
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: #1  0x00010b24 in strlen
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: #2  0x00010a77 in strReplace
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: #3  0x0003da07 in getFlowDir
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: #4  0x000418a7 in getCompilerConfig
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: #5  0x001196fe in main
06-23 15:01:01.540 24010 24084 E dk.area9.flowrunner: #6  0x00119fa3 in --end--
06-23 15:01:01.541 24010 24084 I dk.area9.flowrunner: MAIN FAILED

Looks like getApplicationPath() which was called from getFlowDir() is not implemented on Android. That may be expected behaviour. Not any flow code run correctly on any platform as is.