
Argo Rollouts configuration ConfigMap is not updated to latest value of OpenShiftRolloutPlugin

jgwest opened this issue · 1 comments

Depends on fix to #22

At present, if the value of the OpenShiftRolloutPlugin URL changes, for example, because we are shipping a new version of the plugin, it appears the ArgoRollouts ConfigMap will not be updated.

reconcileConfigMap contains this block of code:

	for _, plugin := range actualTrafficRouterPlugins {
		if plugin.Name == OpenShiftRolloutPluginName {
			// Openshift Route Plugin already present, nothing to do
			return nil

This block of code will exit the function if the plugin already exists, regardless of whether the URL matches the expected value.

Fix Criteria:

  • If the ConfigMap already exists, and it already contains Plugin URL, but the plugin URL is different, the ConfigMap should be updated to point to the new plugin URL
  • Unit/E2E test to verify

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