argocd-autopilot project create results in configmap "argocd-cm" not found
stubbi opened this issue · 1 comments
So I have two clusters, backoffice-eu-central
and prod-eu-central
(which is also the names of their kubecontexts).
I have bootstrapped the backoffice cluster using
export KUBECONFIG=/.kubeconfig
export GIT_REPO=
export GIT_TOKEN=ghp_...
kubectl config set-context backoffice-eu-central
argocd-autopilot repo bootstrap --app
which seems to work fine. Now, I'd want that argocd to manage my other cluster as well with overlays in some /prod
(or similar) folders. So in orders to add that cluster, I am running
export KUBECONFIG=/.kubeconfig
export GIT_REPO=
export GIT_TOKEN=ghp_...
export NAME=prod-eu-central
kubectl config set-context backoffice-eu-central
argocd-autopilot project create $NAME --dest-kube-context $NAME --insecure --log-level=debug --core -y
and get
DEBU[2023-03-08T02:28:11+01:00] starting with options: forWrite=true repoURL="" revision=
INFO[2023-03-08T02:28:11+01:00] cloning git repository:
DEBU[2023-03-08T02:28:11+01:00] cloning git repo url=""
Enumerating objects: 18, done.
Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
Total 18 (delta 1), reused 16 (delta 1), pack-reused 0
INFO[2023-03-08T02:28:12+01:00] using revision: "", installation path: "/"
DEBU[2023-03-08T02:28:12+01:00] repository is ok
DEBU[2023-03-08T02:28:12+01:00] repository is ok
INFO[2023-03-08T02:28:12+01:00] adding cluster: prod-eu-central
INFO[0001] ServiceAccount "argocd-manager" already exists in namespace "kube-system"
INFO[0001] ClusterRole "argocd-manager-role" updated
INFO[0001] ClusterRoleBinding "argocd-manager-role-binding" updated
FATA[0001] configmap "argocd-cm" not found
I can confirm the argocd-cm
is in the original backoffice cluster, but not so in the other prod one I am trying to add here. I can confirm that one has the service account, clusterrole, and clusterrolebinding mentioned in that output.
What am I missing?
Apparently, I found the solution. I had to specify the namespace when setting the context
So, this is working:
set -e
kubectl config set-context backoffice-eu-central --namespace=argocd 1> /dev/null
argocd-autopilot project create $NAME --upsert --dest-kube-context $NAME --insecure --log-level=debug --core -y
note the --namespace=argocd