
Error: Maven compile task.

rfootq opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello everyone. When I try to compile the argouml project using maven, I get the following error:

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.1:compile (default-compile) on project argouml: Compilation failure

[ERROR] ..\argouml\src\argouml-app\src\org\argouml\cognitive\[58,7] error: types Set<E#1> and List<E#2> are incompatible;

The ListSet was changed recently i.e. I approved the change by @stcarrez. It has successfully compiled with ibm java8 and openjdk8 (I have set up a build with openjdk8 on my box). Is it openjdk9, 10 or 11 you are using? I should probably set up those too.

On the other hand, I don't understand how the change could have this effect.

Good day. I'm a dumb, working with an old version of the code, I apologize. Commit # 14 actually fixed this issue.
For 9..11 java, I use openjdk16, so after updating from the repository, everything is assembled.

I am trying to compile with openjdk8 and openjdk11. My Jenkins installation has problems with timeouts and such, the machine is too old and doesn't have enough memory for this (I think). I will continue to attempt this and perhaps also add openjdk15, openjdk16 and openjdk17 to get a better picture of any potential problems.

I will close this issue then since it was not a problem.