arguman/ is down since a few days

Opened this issue · 11 comments

The website and its local versions seem to be down since a few days

I think is dead. :(

looks to have been hacked to promote some pernicious chrome extension.

Yes, the domain seems to have been bought by someone who turned it into an ad page or something.

The source-code on the domain contains a reference to; googling it gives some results, including:

It's interesting that the source-code also contains reference to swfobject.js, which is probably used to get more information about the user's computer to "fingerprint" them, ie. identify the user for long-term tracking. This is supported by this section in the JS code:

debugInfo = gl.getExtension('WEBGL_debug_renderer_info');
vendor = gl.getParameter(debugInfo.UNMASKED_VENDOR_WEBGL);
renderer = gl.getParameter(debugInfo.UNMASKED_RENDERER_WEBGL);
gstr = vendor+' - '+renderer;
//limit & encode
gpu = '&gpu='+encodeURI(gstr.substring(0,200));


window.location.replace(a + b + c+vs+ds+sl+os+nos+swfV+inside_frame+sc+gpu);

Unfortunate that noone really uses it. Difficult and in depth debating is not a popular pasttime. Hopefully we can change that in the future

I assume the content was also lost. Right? This screams for #ownyourdata and github as database archive for arguments.

Wow. I just discovered it today, ahaha. Something must be done, as it is actively misleading users

The arguman service is available again at - although only in Türkçe (Turkish) language so far I think. It would be impressive if historic debate data could be restored (I have no connection with the site operators so I don't know whether backups are available).

how come nobody has a stable version? has been maintained all this time by a turkish developer. in 2021, this is one of the last posts from him;

Screenshot 2024-02-13 at 9 01 11 PM

I recalled that he made us work on a website about a book of Nisanyan, Today I understood how you felt.
Nonetheless, this repository deserves to be alive again