Opera is a tool for run-time verification of human-robot interaction, aimed at identifying future collisions based on the dynamically stored history of robots behavior.
The dependencies are for MQTT using the Mosquitto library, and for JSON processing using rapidjson.
Ubuntu (APT) packages: mosquitto
, libmosquitto-dev
, rapidjson-dev
macOS (Homebrew) packages: mosquitto
, rapidjson
Windows (VCPKG) packages: mosquitto:x64-windows
, rapidjson:x64-windows
Additionally, the Git repository has submodules. In order to clone the submodules, it is necessary to issue
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
To build the library from sources in a clean way, it is preferable that you set up a build subdirectory, say:
$ mkdir build && cd build
Then you can prepare the build environment, choosing a Release build for maximum performance:
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
At this point, if no error arises, you can build with:
$ cmake --build .
If you would like to contribute to Opera, please contact the developer:
- Luca Geretti luca.geretti@univr.it