
Bucklescript compile error after adding reason-loadable to project

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I tried successfully the parcel example, then I tried to add reason-loadable to my project and I unfortunately got stuck with this error:

  We've found a bug for you!
  /Users/robertosaccon/kelor-reason/node_modules/reason-loadable/src/ 51:18-21

  49 ┆ fetch()
  50 ┆ /* Load module. */
  51 ┆ |> load
  52 ┆ /* Don't refine module now, just resolve new state, user should refine
        module himself on render. */
  53 ┆ >>= (data => self.send(Loaded(data)))

  The value load can't be found

ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

What went wrong ? And where actually is load defined ?

I have all the same package versions and settings as at the example, except I do not have any babel stuff as devDependencies (or do I need them for reason-loadable ???).

This issue is fixed with latest release. 👍

Update to latest version (bs-dynamic-import && reason-loadable) :

  • bs-dynamic-import => 0.3.0
  • reason-loadable => 0.4.0

Clean old BuckleScript artifact (bsb -clean-world) and compile.

You can look documentation/tests/examples, API is stable and i'll not make breaking change in future.

Tell me if you have any trouble ⚡️

It works as expected now. Thanks a lot.

Just one little question I have: why is the default delay set to 200ms ? Shouldn't it be as small as possible (0ms) for normal use case? And >0 just for demonstration purpose or maybe for some kind of throttling ?

Goal of this project is to mimic as close as possible "react-loadable" with Reason approach and ultimately, offer the same features.

Default delay of "react-loadable" is 200ms ;) . You can use 0 of course.