
This file serves as a documentation of the code related to the paper "Narratives of Collective Action in YouTube's Discourse on Veganism" by Arianna Pera and Luca Aiello, accepted at ICWSM 2024.


All analyses were run on Python 3.8.16. Required libraries and versions are specified in requirements.txt.

Overall pipeline

All scripts and notebooks are in the code folder.

Video data collection and cleaning

  1. Get YouTube videos given keywords and timeframe of reference, or get baseline videos given timeframe of reference.
  2. Get the most frequent hashtags in video descriptions to expand the keyword search list. Then run again with new keywords to continue data collection.
  3. Get a single file per year.
  4. Whisper get transcripts from audio when not auto-captioned.
  5. Topic modeling, excluding topic not relevant to the theoretical narrative framework.

Narrative mapping

  1. Extract moral dimensions scores through mformer for the target video set or the baseline video set, given a dataset of reference (i.e. challenge).
  2. clustering.ipynb: Scale moral scores with baseline, merge data and extract collective identity scores to map video into communal-oriented and agency-oriented. Then, use UMAP and HDBSCAN clusters to extract narrative groups.

Comments data collection and cleaning

  1. Get video IDs for which to extract comments based on those videos mapped to the theoretical framework.
  2. Get YouTube comments.

Reactions analysis

  1. extract relative frequency of collective action markers from comments.
  2. analyze_language_metrics.ipynb: Language metrics analysis.
  3. extract S-BERT embeddings of videos and comments.
  4. Extract alignment of video and comments.
  5. analyze_video_comments_metrics.ipynb: Semantic similarity analysis.
  6. regression.ipynb: OLS regression to predict collective action levels given the number of videos, the level of moral foundations, the silhouette score given the clustering into narrative types and the alignment of video and comments.

General comments

The file contains useful functions that are imported throughout the pipeline.


Data is provided in the data folder.

Specifically, we share the following data:

  • dataset.csv: file referencing the videos used for the analysis (only the video ID is provided), in terms of general YouTube stats, mapping to narrative types and paper-specific metric we computed.
  • challenge_baseline_video_ids.csv: list of baseline videos ids considered for the specific challenge.
  • all_comments_cleaned.json: json file containing the list of comments retrieved for each of the reference videos.