
tasks for 0.2.0

Opened this issue · 3 comments


  • spin!
  • DevSpindle/HostSpindle -> DevSlice/HostSlice or better name
  • define spindle::Result<T>
  • move this to a separate Github Issue
  • put "implement init::init for tensor fusion" into a new Github Issue
  • put "implement map::map for tensor fusion" into a new Github Issue
  • put "configure device ordinals into typestate" in a new Github Issue
  • put "configure sizes/dims typestate" in a new Github Issue


  • cargo doc cross-platform, on, etc
  • safety docs
  • docs for spindle structs
  • spindle clean binary for easier artifact management


  • resolve the into/try_into safety stuff
  • prohibit __ and maybe _ in map names
  • correctness for RawConvert
  • ? pub on all use __foo::__Foo traits


  • define Dev* token structs
  • impl Parse and ToTokens as appropriate
  • refactor basic_range as an initializer (e.g., #[spindle::init](#foo)
    • define DevInit*
    • impl Parse and impl ToTokens as needed
    • add DevInit map to database
    • get from database
    • return required tokens
      • init kernel
      • device item fn
      • device method
      • trait def'n
      • trait impl
  • refactor init::init
    • fn tokens
    • trait tokens
    • add to db and reparse
  • refactor MapFn with Dev* token structs
    • parse
    • tokens
    • add to db
    • get from db
    • ?more tokens
  • refactor spin::spin to use item_fn table
    • ?tag ItemFns by map type, e.g., init, kernel fusion map, or intermediate
    • look for maps and inits and emit the impls
  • use CARGO_TARGET_DIR or CARGO_OUTPUT more easily w/ db method
  • ?! refactor db to glob all maps into one table
    • e.g., no in_out tables, just
      • uuid: unique identification
      • ident: no two maps tagged with the same ident
      • content: equal to self.to_token_stream().to_strirng()
    • offloads the type management into the macro crate
    • prevents a map and an init from having the same name more easily
    • allows intermediate fns to be easily sent to the tagged crates
    • easier to scale for composite returns and args later!
    • define AsDbItemFn
    • define get_or_insert
    • impl TryFrom<DbItemFn> for DevItemFn


  • remove dead code from spindle_macros
    • [ ] this includes basic_range (RIP)
    • misc struct modules
    • ?union db insertions
    • TokenResult & pointless custom errors
    • RangeSpindle & friends
  • downgrade db iters to Vecs
  • remove/refactor worthless tests


  • better compiler error semaphore
  • [ ] enhance cargo clean to also clean target/spindle/
    • it already did lol

How do we want to handle

fn square_over_two(x: u64) -> f32 {
    ((x * x) / 2) as f32
spin!(#foo, U = u64 | f32);

We want to be able to

// initialize a `DevSlice` with `square_over_two` as a method on ranges
let init_nums: DevSlice<U, f32> = (0..).square_over_two(1_000_000)?; /*
// overwrite existing buffers
let new_slice: DevSlice<U, Uninit> = DevSlice::new(1_000_000)?;
let reused_slice /* : DevSlice<U, f32> */ = ((0..), new_slice).square_over_two(1_000_000)?; // **
//  in-place map
let host_ints: Vec<u64> = (0..1_000_000).collect();
let claimed_ints: DevSlice<U, /* u64 */ _> = host_ints.try_into()?;
let mapped_ints /* : DevSlice<U, f32> */ = claimed_ints.square_over_two()?; // ***

with init_nums, reused_slice, mapped_ints all having the same values and length

Example of using a static library (a file) file in a compiled cu project:

nvcc -o cuda_program path/to/lib.a -L . -lcuda -lcudart_static -arch=sm_60


#include <cstdio>
extern "C" float adder(float, float, float);

int main(void)
    float result = adder(1.f, 2.f, 3.f);
    printf("%f\n", result);
    return 0;

Hey, thanks Yandros


// src/

#[panic_handler]fn panic(_:&::core::panic::PanicInfo)->!{loop{}}

pub extern "C" fn adder(a: f32, b: f32, c: f32) -> f32 {
    a + 2.0 * b + 3.0 * c


crate-type = [ "staticlib" ] # to generate a `lib<package_name>.a`
                             # i.e. an archive of `.o` files

name = "foo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"

[dependencies] # you may depend on libc if you so wish:
# libc = { version = "*", default-features = false }

panic = "abort"
overflow-checks = false

panic = "abort"
overflow-checks = false