
How to go to the first page when you reach the last page using manualControls

giwrgos88 opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm using the responsiveslides and I implemented it using manualControls. The issue that I have is that when you reach the last page is not going back to the first page or from the first page if you click previus to take you back to the last page. By disabling the manualControls and enabling nav is working fine. Here is my configuration

jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
    var homesliderConfig = {
        speed: 500,
        timeout: $('.carousel').data('interval'),
        nav: false,
        random: false, 
        pause: $('.carousel').data('pause'),
        namespace: "homeslider",
        manualControls : ".direction",



Am I missing something?

@viljamis any help on this one? thanks