
VMware Compatibility Guide url

pdpelsem opened this issue · 3 comments

Would you considerer adding the VMware Compatibility Guide url to Get-ESXIODevice.ps1?
for example:

$VID = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.VendorId)
$DID = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.DeviceId)
$SVID = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.SubVendorId)
$SSID = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.SubDeviceId)
$HCLurl = "$VID&DID=$DID&SVID=$SVIS&SSID=$SSID&details=1"

Use a custom object to store
collected data
$outputCollection += [PSCustomObject]@{
'Hostname' = $vmhost.Name
'Slot Description' = $pciDevice.SlotDescription
'VMKernel Name' = $pciDevice.VMKernelName
'Device Name' = $pciDevice.DeviceName
'Vendor Name' = $pciDevice.VendorName
'Device Class' = $pciDevice.DeviceClassName
'PCI Address' = $pciDevice.Address
'VID' = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.VendorId)
'DID' = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.DeviceId)
'SVID' = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.SubVendorId)
'SSID' = [String]::Format("{0:x4}", $device.SubDeviceId)
'Driver' = $pciDevice.ModuleName
'Driver Version' = $driverVersion
'Firmware Version' = $firmwareVersion
'VIB Name' = $vibName
'VIB Version' = $vibVersion
'HCLurl' = $HCLurl
} #END [PSCustomObject]

@pdpelsem you are a genius and we really appreciate you sharing that code! @edmsanchez took a look at it and will include it, he's even getting some logic into it. You have helped us improve that module and when we release it we will credit you :) do you have a twitter account?

@pdpelsem v2.4.6 is out, go ahead and test with that and give us feedback.

this was added and has been tweaked for maximum compatibility in subsequent releases. thanks again, I'll add you in the changelog comments!