
Back-end for a web app. A user needs to register a user account with a email address and password. After that user needs to sign in for getting a Bearer token. With the token user can get access to rest of the end points of todo app.


  • Takes user details such as email and password and saves in database when email already doesn't exist in database
  • User needs to sing in order to get Bearer token and with Bearer token user can get access to the rest of the api-es
  • User can change password when old password matches with the password that exist in the database for the user.
  • Created timestamp and updated timestamp for a USER
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Create a todo item with a descreption
  • Update a todo item
  • Delete a todo item
  • Created time stamp and Updated time stamp for a todo item


  • To run this app after cloning from github. Install PostgresSQL database and create a database.
  • Go to the in resource folder. Put you own database name and password.


To test the backends from postman i have includend a file called Postman_collection.json, simply include it to your postman and test it