
Is it possible to add extra params that are passed to the code executed

RachelSatoyama opened this issue · 1 comments

Sometimes we need to pass some extra command line params to code executed.
As of now we have:

  • nodeOptions
  • mochaOptions
  • istanbulOptions

none of them helps to achieve this goal.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no possibility to add parameters at the and of args passed for execution. In other words, one cannot achieve something like this:

node_modules/istanbul/lib/cli.js cover --dir <some-dir> /node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha -- target/test/specs/**/*.spec.js --some-extra-param

If I'm wrong and it's possible I'll be very much obliged if you'll show how it can be done.
If it is not, I suggest to add extraOptions (or whatever it will be named).

I can contribute.

A-ha-ha - sorry - this is wrong project, I need to report to grunt-mocha-istanbul )