
annotation on target_rule_name

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I've been putting together some ideas on using annotations and directives for specifying additional constraints ( It looks like it would be helpful to be able to include annotations on target_rule_name!

I've come up with an example of:

report {
    "type" @{id t} : "string",
    ( @{when $t == "boot"} boot-details |
            @{when $t == "shutdown"} shutdown-details |
            default-details )

where boot-details, shutdown-details and default-details are groups that are effectively mixins to be selected based on the value of the type member.

Hopefully it's a simple fix to do:

rule(:target_rule_name)  { annotations >> ((ruleset_id_alias >> str('.')).maybe >> rule_name).as(:target_rule_name) }
    #! target_rule_name  = annotations [ ruleset_id_alias "." ] rule_name

If you have no objections I'll make it so...

Interesting and useful use case. Yes, let's do it.

Done. Pull request submitted.

(I might create another *_spec.rb file to check I can actually parse what I'm suggesting with the co-constraints stuff.)