Icinga Web 2 - deployment module

This Icinga Web 2 module wants to assist your deployment workflows. You want to run real world behaviour tests carried out by your monitoring system on demand? Triggered by your CI platform? Then this module might be a perfect fit.

All you want to achieve is allowing Windows hosts to schedule their downtime by themselves on reboot? Here you go.


Like with any other Icinga Web 2 module just drop me to one of your module folders and enable the deployment module in your web frontend or on CLI. Of course the monitoring module needs to be enabled and that's it, we have no farther dependencies.


As Icinga Web 2 offers no generic API interface (not yet), this module bypasses authention. To get access to the deployment module you need to pass a token string configured in this modules config file. This file has to be in ICINGAWEB_CONFIGDIR/modules/deployment/config.ini:

token = insecure


All shown URLs are relative to your base Icinga Web 2 url, so deployment/hello could be https://<monitoring>/icingaweb/deployment/hello in your environment.

Schedule downtimes

The base URL is deployment/downtime/schedule, the only required parameter is host, carrying the Icinga host name:


Calling this URL would schedule a flexible downtime allowed to start within the next 15 minutes with a maximum duration of 20 minutes. The output would look as follows:


Scheduled a flexible downtime with a maximum duration of 20m 0s allowed to start between 2014-12-18 12:32:36 and 2014-12-18 12:47:36 saying "System went down for reboot".

Your deployment tool might call this action as follows:


Available parameters

  • start: define when your downtime should start. Default is NOW. Allowed values are Unix timestamps, but expressions like +1day are also fine. Please take care about URL escaping when using them
  • end: define the end of this downtime. For flexible downtimes this means that the host must enter it's problem state before end is reached. Default is start plus 15 minutes, values are absolute timestamp or expressions as for start
  • duration: maximum duration of this flexible downtime
  • comment: a custom comment, default is "System went down for reboot"
  • fixed: define if the scheduled downtime is fixed (true) or flexible (false), default is false

Remove downtimes

To remove a downtime for safety measures you are required to pass the very same comment you used to schedule your downtime. For the downtime shown above this would read:


Full workflow example

GET http://icingaweb/icingaweb/deployment/health/check?host=localhost&token=insecure&json

    "success": true,
    "healthy": true,
    "host": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "state": "0",
        "problem": "0",
        "output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.06 ms",
        "handled": "0",
        "in_downtime": "0",
        "acknowledged": "0",
        "last_check": "1427989288",
        "next_check": "1427989338"
    "service": [
            "host": "localhost",
            "service": "Ping",
            "state": "0",
            "problem": "0",
            "output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.05 ms",
            "handled": "0",
            "in_downtime": "0",
            "acknowledged": "0",
            "last_check": "1427989309",
            "next_check": "1427989365"
            "host": "localhost",
            "service": "SSH",
            "state": "0",
            "problem": "0",
            "output": "SSH OK - OpenSSH_6.0p1 Debian-4+deb7u2 (protocol 2.0) ",
            "handled": "0",
            "in_downtime": "0",
            "acknowledged": "0",
            "last_check": "1427989314",
            "next_check": "1427989364"

POST http://icingaweb/icingaweb/deployment/downtime/schedule?host=localhost&comment=deployment&token=insecure&json

    "success": true,
    "host": "localhost",
    "downtime_comment": "deployment",
    "downtime_duration": 1200,
    "downtime_start": 1427989338,
    "downtime_end": 1427990238

POST http://icingaweb/icingaweb/deployment/downtime/remove?host=localhost&comment=deployment&token=insecure&json

    "success": true,
    "total": 3,
    "downtimes": [
            "host": "localhost",
            "service": null,
            "objecttype": "host",
            "internal_id": "11"
            "host": "localhost",
            "service": "SSH",
            "objecttype": "service",
            "internal_id": "12"
            "host": "localhost",
            "service": "Ping",
            "objecttype": "service",
            "internal_id": "13"

POST http://icingaweb/icingaweb/deployment/health/check?host=localhost&token=insecure&checkNow&json

    "success": true,
    "healthy": false,
    "host": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "state": "0",
        "problem": "0",
        "output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.06 ms",
        "handled": "0",
        "in_downtime": "0",
        "acknowledged": "0",
        "last_check": "1427991382",
        "next_check": "1427991438"
    "service": [
            "host": "localhost",
            "service": "Ping",
            "state": "0",
            "problem": "0",
            "output": "PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.05 ms",
            "handled": "0",
            "in_downtime": "0",
            "acknowledged": "0",
            "last_check": "1427991409",
            "next_check": "1427991465"
            "host": "localhost",
            "service": "SSH",
            "state": "2",
            "problem": "1",
            "output": "Connection refused",
            "handled": "0",
            "in_downtime": "0",
            "acknowledged": "0",
            "last_check": "1427991404",
            "next_check": "1427991434"