
Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Quick Start

Setting up LSTPerformanceWeb (only for lnx7188)

For lnx7188 this needs to be done once

cd /cdat/tem/${USER}/
git clone git@github.com:SegmentLinking/LSTPerformanceWeb.git

Setting up container (only for lnx7188)

For lnx7188 this needs to be done before compiling or running the code:

singularity shell --nv --bind /mnt/data1:/data --bind /data2/segmentlinking/ --bind /opt --bind /nfs --bind /mnt --bind /usr/local/cuda/bin/ --bind /cvmfs  /cvmfs/unpacked.cern.ch/registry.hub.docker.com/cmssw/el8:x86_64

Setting up the code

git clone git@github.com:SegmentLinking/TrackLooper.git
cd TrackLooper/
# Source one of the commands below, depending on the site
source setup.sh # if on UCSD or Cornell
source setup_hpg.sh # if on Florida

Running the code

sdl_make_tracklooper -mc
sdl -i PU200 -o LSTNtuple.root
createPerfNumDenHists -i LSTNtuple.root -o LSTNumDen.root
lst_plot_performance.py LSTNumDen.root -t "myTag"
# python3 efficiency/python/lst_plot_performance.py LSTNumDen.root -t "myTag" # if you are on cgpu-1 or Cornell

The above can be even simplified

sdl_run -f -mc -s PU200 -n -1 -t myTag

Command explanations

Compile the code with option flags

sdl_make_tracklooper -mc
-m: make clean binaries
-c: run with the cmssw caching allocator
-h: show help screen with all options

Run the code

sdl -n <nevents> -v <verbose> -w <writeout> -s <streams> -i <dataset> -o <output>

-i: PU200; muonGun, etc
-n: number of events; default: all
-v: 0-no printout; 1- timing printout only; 2- multiplicity printout; default: 0
-s: number of streams/events in flight; default: 1
-w: 0- no writeout; 1- minimum writeout; default: 1
-o: provide an output root file name (e.g. LSTNtuple.root); default: debug.root
-l: add lower level object (pT3, pT5, T5, etc.) branches to the output

Plotting numerators and denominators of performance plots

createPerfNumDenHists -i <input> -o <output> [-g <pdgids> -n <nevents>]

-i: Path to LSTNtuple.root
-o: provide an output root file name (e.g. num_den_hist.root)
-n: (optional) number of events
-g: (optional) comma separated pdgids to add more efficiency plots with different sim particle slices

Plotting performance plots

lst_plot_performance.py num_den_hist.root -t "mywork"

There are several options you can provide to restrict number of plots being produced. And by default, it creates a certain set of objects. One can specifcy the type, range, metric, etc. To see the full information type

lst_plot_performance.py --help

To give an example of plotting efficiency, object type of lower level T5, for |eta| < 2.5 only.

lst_plot_performance.py num_den_hist.root -t "mywork" -m eff -o T5_lower -s loweta

NOTE: in order to plot lower level object, -l option must have been used during sdl step!

When running on cgpu-1 remember to specify python3 as there is no python. The shebang on the lst_plot_performance.py is not updated as lnx7188 works with python2...

python3 efficiency/python/lst_plot_performance.py num_den_hist.root -t "mywork" # If running on cgpu-1

Comparing two different runs

lst_plot_performance.py \
    num_den_hist_1.root \     # Reference
    num_den_hist_2.root \     # New work
    -L BaseLine,MyNewWork \   # Labeling
    -t "mywork" \

CMSSW Integration

This is the a complete set of instruction on how the TrackLooper code can be linked as an external tool in CMSSW:

Build TrackLooper

git clone git@github.com:SegmentLinking/TrackLooper.git
cd TrackLooper/
# Source one of the commands below, depending on the site
source setup.sh # if on UCSD or Cornell
source setup_hpg.sh # if on Florida
sdl_make_tracklooper -mc
cd ..

Set up TrackLooper as an external

mkdir workingFolder # Create the folder you will be working in
cd workingFolder
cmsrel CMSSW_13_0_0_pre4
cd CMSSW_13_0_0_pre4/src
git cms-init
git remote add SegLink git@github.com:SegmentLinking/cmssw.git
git fetch SegLink CMSSW_13_0_0_pre4_LST_X
git cms-addpkg RecoTracker Configuration
git checkout CMSSW_13_0_0_pre4_LST_X
cat <<EOF >lst.xml
<tool name="lst" version="1.0">
    <environment name="LSTBASE" default="$PWD/../../../TrackLooper"/>
    <environment name="LIBDIR" default="\$LSTBASE/SDL"/>
    <environment name="INCLUDE" default="\$LSTBASE"/>
  <runtime name="LST_BASE" value="\$LSTBASE"/>
  <lib name="sdl"/>
scram setup lst.xml
git cms-checkdeps -a -A
scram b -j 12

Run the LST reconstruction in CMSSW

A simple test configuration of the LST reconstruction can be run with the command:

cmsRun RecoTracker/LST/test/LSTAlpakaTester.py

For a more complete workflow, one can run a modified version of the 21034.1 workflow. To get the commands of this workflow, one can run:

runTheMatrix.py -w upgrade -n -e -l 21034.1

For convenience, the workflow has been run for 100 events and the output is stored here:


For enabling the LST reconstruction in the CMSSW tracking workflow, a modified step3 needs to be run. This is based on the step3 command of the 21034.1 workflow with the following changes:

  • Use dummy PU input files by changing the argument of the --pileup_input flag to file:file.root (this will be fixed manually in the configuration file)
  • Add at the end of the command: --procModifiers gpu,trackingLST,trackingIters01 --no_exec

Run the command and modify the output configuration file with the following:

  • Add the following lines below the part where the import of the standard configurations happens:
    process.AlpakaServiceCudaAsync = cms.Service('AlpakaServiceCudaAsync')
    process.AlpakaServiceSerialSync = cms.Service('AlpakaServiceSerialSync')
  • Find the line that starts with process.mix.input.fileNames and change it to (supposing that the PU files are available locally, as is the case at the UCSD machines):
    process.mix.input.fileNames = cms.untracked.vstring(['file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/066fc95d-1cef-4469-9e08-3913973cd4ce.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/07928a25-231b-450d-9d17-e20e751323a1.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/26bd8fb0-575e-4201-b657-94cdcb633045.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/4206a9c5-44c2-45a5-aab2-1a8a6043a08a.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/55a372bf-a234-4111-8ce0-ead6157a1810.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/59ad346c-f405-4288-96d7-795f81c43fe8.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/7280f5ec-b71d-4579-a730-7ce2de0ff906.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/b93adc85-715f-477a-afc9-65f3241933ee.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/c7a0aa46-f55c-4b01-977f-34a397b71fba.root', 'file:/data2/segmentlinking/PUSamplesForCMSSW1263/CMSSW_12_3_0_pre5/RelValMinBias_14TeV/GEN-SIM/123X_mcRun4_realistic_v4_2026D88noPU-v1/e77fa467-97cb-4943-884f-6965b4eb0390.root'])
  • Modify the input and output file names accordingly, as well as the number of events.

Then, run the configuration file with cmsRun.

To get the DQM files, one would have to run step4 of the 21034.1 workflow with the following modifications:

  • Modify the --pileup_input flag as above, add --no_exec to the end of command and then run it.
  • Modify the output configuration file by including the appropriate PU files, as above, and by changing the input file (the one containing inDQM from the previous step) and number of events accordingly.

Running the configuration file with cmsRun, the output file will have a name starting with DQM. The name is the same every time this step runs, so it is good practice to rename the file, e.g. to tracking_Iters01LST.root. The MTV plots can be produced with the command:

makeTrackValidationPlots.py --extended tracking_Iters01LST.root

Note: In case one wants to run step2 as well, similar modifications as in step4 (PU files, --no_exec flag and input file/number of events) need to be applied.

Inclusion of LST in other CMSSW packages

Including the line

<use name="lst"/>

in the relevant package BuildFile.xml allows for including our headers in the code of that package.