wildcard connection config
Closed this issue · 5 comments
Looking at the code, the [connection:*]
is used when there are no explicit name matches. However, I think it's more useful to use it as a 'base' configuration. Setting from other explicit matches will be merged with the wildcard match.
For example:
username: eapi
password: mysecret
The configuration for veos1
should be:
'username' => 'eapi',
'password' => 'mysecret',
'host' => ''
Right now, the username
and password
is needed for each switch even though they all have the same credentials.
sounds like a job for yaml.
You can just create a default section to set values that you want to be the defaults. To default username and password I add the following to the start of my .eapi.conf file:
username: admin
password: admin
Does this address your needs?
I can't get that to work.
username: foo
password: bar
#<Rbeapi::Client::Node:0x007f69217c7270 @connection=#<Rbeapi::Eapilib::HttpsEapiConnection:0x007f69217c73b0 @transport=#<Net::HTTP open=false>, @error=nil, @username="admin", @password="", @open_timeout=10, @read_timeout=10>, @autorefresh=true>
I ended up using
username: foo
password: bar
and just pass the host name
This way, I don't need an entry per host in the .eapi.conf
Not supporting
username: foo
password: bar
Is an issue. Need to fix this to get .eapi.conf semantics consistent across *eapi libraries.