
Hi, can I use EosSdk to shape the rate of a group of queues in a port?

btlcmr0702 opened this issue · 3 comments

I find the original Eos can only support traffic shape on a queue or a whole port. It can't support shape on a group of ports or queues.
So I wonder can i implement these with powerful EosSdk?

Hi @btlcmr0702 - EOS SDK lets you program policy maps and assign them to one or more ports. I'm not sure what you mean by "shaping a group of ports." Can you elaborate?

There is no readily available EosSdk API to configure all ports or queues at once.

If you wish to configure the same parameters on a group of ports or queues, you could do so programmatically using EosSdk. It will have to be done by repeating the API with the same parameters for each port or each queue on a port.