
YAML file variables passed to robot cannot be used as lists

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If I define a list variable inside my config YAML file it will be passed to robot as scalar variable and could not be used as a list-like in for loops.
For example, I want to make sure a list of prefixes are received from my RIP neighbor. So my config file would contain:


Next, in my test case file I'm doing the following:

*** Test Cases ***

Verify RIP is redistributing static NAT routes to PE CE
	Expect all ${NAT_ROUTES} to be present in routing table	

*** Keywords ***
Expect all ${rip_routes} to be present in routing table
	${output}=	enable	show ip route rip
	:FOR	${route}	IN	@{rip_routes}
	\	Log	${route}
	\	Should contain	${output[0]['result']['vrfs']['default']['routes']}	${route}

Which results in my testcase failing with the following error:

Verify RIP is redistributing static NAT routes to PE CE               | FAIL |
Value of variable '@{rip_routes}' is not list or list-like.

The only workaround I've found is to define a list variable inside the testcase itself.

I'm not sure if this is possible with robot, looks like all variables are converted to scalar when they are passed in to .run(). Perhaps it's possible to accomplish this with variablefile?

Closing this as I accidentally opened it in the wrong repository. There's a opened instead