
Archiving the project: suspending the development

ariya opened this issue · 1 comments

ariya commented

Due to the lack of active contribution, I am going to archive this project soon.

At some point in the future, if we pick up the development again (such as #15341, #15342, #15343), the project will be unarchived.

With that, all the earlier plans regarding PhantomJS 2.5 (from @vitallium) or 2.1.x (from @pixiuPL) will be abandoned effective immediately. Consequently, the source and binary packages for the above abandoned version will be removed to avoid any confusions. PhantomJS version 2.1.1 will remain the last known stable release until further notice.

To keep the source repository in a sane situation:

  • the master branch will be preserved under the new bleeding-edge branch.
  • after that, the master branch will be restored back to the approximate state of v2.1.1

That way, if anyone wants to improve PhantomJS for their own usages (internal fork, in-house patches), the master branch can still serve as a good baseline. It can still be built from source and it will still work on macOS, Linux, and Windows.

Once the project is archived, no new issue can be filed. However, feel free to use the mailing-list to post questions and discuss any relevant topics.

Thank you for your understanding!

ariya commented

A new branch bleeding-edge has been created. It contains all the commits related to the abandoned planned releases (2.5-beta, 2.1.x, etc).

The master branch has been restored to the approximate state after 2.1 (but prior to the use of system-installed Qt and QtWebKit, #14386). Unfortunately, the damages done to the the repository reached a catastrophic level (we even lost important release branches) that I have to perform the restoration using git reset, instead of the typical git revert. I apologize if this causes some inconvenience to those who forked/cloned the repository since then (another clone/fork should settle it), but given the situation, this is the trade-off I am willing to live with.

With this, the master branch should be healthy again: it compiles and all tests pass. As promised earlier, the master branch can now serve as a baseline, in case you want to improve it for your internal forks, build it yourself, etc.

I also added the wip branch. If we pick-up the development again, we will likely continue from this branch.

Thank you very much!