
Mqtt state not always updating correctly

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When my CVE-S ECO goes to high speed (100%) due to humidty detection, the mqtt state is not updated and stays at my set minimum of 30. The speed status in the mqtt topc ithostatus does however change to 100. When using the timer buttons, the state does change to high and falls back when the timer expires.

Due to this problem, home assistant does not show the correct speed when taking a shower.

Schermafbeelding 2023-08-21 140708


  • Firmware version 2.5.6
  • Hardware revision 2
  • CC1101 RF module enabled [ no ]

The MQTT state reflects the PWM2I2C settings of the add-on, not the actual speed.
If you want use the actual fan speed as measured by the itho firmware you could use the information already available on the ithostatus topic (label: Speed status)