HA MQTT: received on topic itho/ithostatus. 'high' is not a valid preset mode
Closed this issue · 8 comments
Describe the bug
SInce a certain release of either ithowifi or HA (sorry, not sure which triggered it) I receive MQTT warnings about 'low' or 'high' modes not being a valid preset mode
To Reproduce
A running HA (I run 2024.6.3) with itho integration connected through MQTT (Mosquitto integration in HA)
Expected behaviour
No similar warning message in the HA logs
Device information
- Firmware version 2.9.0-beta1
- Hardware revision 2
- Type/model number Itho MV-unit 468, RV-sensor inside, Perilex stekker
- CC1101 RF module enabled yes
Debug logging
2024-06-18 17:29:49.039 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.fan] '{"temp":22.4,"hum":59.2,"ppmw":10108,"Speed status":100,"Internal fault":0,"Frost cycle":0,"Filter dirty":0,"AirQuality (%)":"not available","AirQbased on":0,"CO2level (ppm)":"not available","Indoorhumidity (%)":59,"Outdoorhumidity (%)":"not available","Exhausttemp (°C)":"not available","SupplyTemp (°C)":"not available","IndoorTemp (°C)":"not available","OutdoorTemp (°C)":"not available","SpeedCap":63488,"BypassPos (%)":"not available","FanInfo":"auto","ExhFanSpeed (%)":100,"InFanSpeed (%)":0,"RemainingTime (min)":0,"PostHeat (%)":"not available","PreHeat (%)":"not available","InFlow (l sec)":"not available","ExhFlow (l sec)":"not available","Ventilation setpoint (%)":100,"Fan setpoint (rpm)":2040,"Fan speed (rpm)":2044,"Error":0,"Selection":7,"Startup counter":35,"Total operation (hours)":4008,"Absence (min)":0,"Highest CO2 concentration (ppm)":"not available","Highest RH concentration (%)":59,"RelativeHumidity":59.2,"Temperature":22.4}' received on topic itho/ithostatus. 'high' is not a valid preset mode
This part of the debug logging
2024-06-18 17:29:49.039 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.fan] '{"temp":22.4,"hum":59.2,"ppmw":10108,"Speed status":100,"Internal fault":0,"Frost cycle":0,"Filter dirty":0,"AirQuality (%)":"not available","AirQbased on":0,"CO2level (ppm)":"not available","Indoorhumidity (%)":59,"Outdoorhumidity (%)":"not available","Exhausttemp (°C)":"not available","SupplyTemp (°C)":"not available","IndoorTemp (°C)":"not available","OutdoorTemp (°C)":"not available","SpeedCap":63488,"BypassPos (%)":"not available","FanInfo":"auto","ExhFanSpeed (%)":100,"InFanSpeed (%)":0,"RemainingTime (min)":0,"PostHeat (%)":"not available","PreHeat (%)":"not available","InFlow (l sec)":"not available","ExhFlow (l sec)":"not available","Ventilation setpoint (%)":100,"Fan setpoint (rpm)":2040,"Fan speed (rpm)":2044,"Error":0,"Selection":7,"Startup counter":35,"Total operation (hours)":4008,"Absence (min)":0,"Highest CO2 concentration (ppm)":"not available","Highest RH concentration (%)":59,"RelativeHumidity":59.2,"Temperature":22.4}' received on topic itho/ithostatus.
seems to have no relation with
'high' is not a valid preset mode
The first part seems correct (at least JSON syntax wise), why there is a warning I cannot see.
"'high' is not a valid preset mode" is an error message related to HA templates. There must be some more info after this part in the logging I beieve.
Check your config in HA on fan definition. You most likely have this somewhere in your YAML.
You need to specify the presets. Your CVE looks a bit different but the culprit is missing preset_modes:
- name: "Itho HRU 350 "
unique_id: "Itho_hru_Fan"
state_topic: "ithohru/lwt"
state_value_template: "{% if value == 'online' %}ON{% else %}OFF{% endif %}"
command_topic: "ithohru/cmd"
preset_mode_state_topic: "ithohru/ithostatus"
preset_mode_command_template: "{ rfremotecmd: '{{ value }}'}"
preset_mode_value_template: >
{% set am = value_json['Actual Mode'] | int %}
{% if am == 1 %}
{% elif am == 2 %}
{% elif am == 3 %}
{% elif am == 13 %}
{% elif am == 24 %}
{% elif am == 25 %}
{% else %}
{{ am }}
{% endif %}
preset_mode_command_topic: "ithohru/cmd"
- "low"
- "medium"
- "high"
- "auto"
- "autonight"
- "timer1"
- "timer2"
- "timer3"
- "timer"
Check your config in HA on fan definition. You most likely have this somewhere in your YAML.
You need to specify the presets. Your CVE looks a bit different but the culprit is missing preset_modes:
- name: "Itho HRU 350 " unique_id: "Itho_hru_Fan" state_topic: "ithohru/lwt" state_value_template: "{% if value == 'online' %}ON{% else %}OFF{% endif %}" command_topic: "ithohru/cmd" preset_mode_state_topic: "ithohru/ithostatus" preset_mode_command_template: "{ rfremotecmd: '{{ value }}'}" preset_mode_value_template: > {% set am = value_json['Actual Mode'] | int %} {% if am == 1 %} low {% elif am == 2 %} medium {% elif am == 3 %} high {% elif am == 13 %} timer {% elif am == 24 %} auto {% elif am == 25 %} autonight {% else %} {{ am }} {% endif %} preset_mode_command_topic: "ithohru/cmd" preset_modes: - "low" - "medium" - "high" - "auto" - "autonight" - "timer1" - "timer2" - "timer3" - "timer"
Hey good point, will look into this and report back, thanks!
So this is my current config with 4 sensors defined, am not sure where to include the preset_modes, I could use an example :)
- sensor:
name: "Itho Percentage"
unique_id: "itho_percentage"
state_topic: "itho/ithostatus"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
value_template: "{{ value_json['Ventilation setpoint (%)'] | round (0) }}"
- sensor:
name: "Itho setpoint (rpm)"
unique_id: "itho_fan_setpoint"
state_topic: "itho/ithostatus"
unit_of_measurement: "rpm"
value_template: "{{ value_json['Fan setpoint (rpm)'] | round (0) }}"
- sensor:
name: "Itho speed (rpm)"
unique_id: "itho_fan_speed"
state_topic: "itho/ithostatus"
unit_of_measurement: "rpm"
value_template: "{{ value_json['Fan speed (rpm)'] | round (0) }}"
- sensor:
name: "Itho humidity"
unique_id: "itho_humidity"
state_topic: "itho/ithostatus"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
value_template: "{{ value_json['hum'] | round (0) }}"
sensors do not use preset modes, must be somewhere else in the config
Yes, that’s why I said you should check the yaml definition for your fan.
Or just do a grep -R on “preset” in your ha config directory
Will dive into this, closing this issue since it looks not to be itho related. thanks!
@arjenhiemstra not sure if adding this comment is useful, but I see the same issue and I think it's related to Home Assistant MQTT Discovery. in MQTT I receive in the homeassistant/fan/nrg-itho-### topic:
I think the case difference between the preset modes and the pr_mode_val_tpl may cause the issue? After updating the preset configuration from 'Low' to 'low', the issue resolved itself for me (until the next discovery, I think).