
What are the names of the columns in Xc and uX1,2 ?

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I have tried running your code following your article (
It runs fine but I don't understand how each of the 12 columns in the Xc and uX1,2 arrays relate to the names of the input drivers listed in table 1 of the article (p.6).
Which column is the 'Day of Year', 'Depth', etc ?
Is there any way to find the original dataset, before any transformation (standardization) is performed on the data ?
Best regards,

Hi Clément,
I have the same question! Here's what I've found:

If you load the .mat files in MATLAB, you can see their structure in the Workspace panel.
Screen Shot 2022-01-31 at 11 57 33 PM

Looking at the X matrix, you can match those values to vectors (for example, column 5 matches the LongWave vector). I'm assuming the column order of Xc is the same as for X.

there is a question,X represents the original physical variable,Xc represents features extracted from physical variables,but what is the Method of feature extraction

oh,i know it,original physical variable X change to features Xc by zscore normalizing,you can use matlab to make it.