
Local development base environment stack on Docker containers. Using Traefik with TLS, Dnsmasq, Exim4 and MailHog.

Primary LanguageShellzlib LicenseZlib


Development base environment stack using Docker containers. Using Traefik with TLS, Dnsmasq, Exim4 and MailHog.

I have confirmed that it works with Colima on macOS (and sometime WSL2 on Windows 10). It will probably work on Linux as well.

日本語の説明/Japanease description

Key Features

  • The combination of Traefik and Dnsmasq allows switching the access container by hostname instead of port number.
  • You can use MailHog to receive even dummy email addresses.
  • By using Exim4, only specific domains can be forwarded to regular SMTP.
  • Create a self certification authority and a self certificate with openssl to enable https access.

The software used


class Docker {
    - Use as a Container Environment
    - The application is basically launched as a container
    - Install docker compose
    - on Colima or WSL2()

OpenSSL ..> Traefik : SSL certificate

Traefik --> Dnsmasq : Port 53
Traefik --> Exim : Port 587
Traefik --> MailHog : Port 25
Traefik --> OtherServices : Port 443

Exim --> MailHog : Relay if unknown address

class OpenSSL {
    - Create a self certificate as a self SSL Certificate Authority
    - on Docker(one shot command)
class Traefik {
    - Use as reverse proxy
    - Use as TLS termination
    - Network is host mode
    - on Docker(service)
class Dnsmasq {
    - Use as local DNS
    - Use for hostname resolution for Traefik
    - on Docker(service)
class Exim {
    - Use as SMTP relay
    - Only specific email domain are relayed to regular SMTP
    - Unregistered email domain are relayed to MailHog
    - on Docker(service)
class MailHog {
    - Use as Fake SMTP
    - Use as dummy mailbox
    - on Docker(service)
class OtherServices {
    - Access with hostname hoge.dev.test
    - on Docker(service)


  • Want to have the same environment locally as in production.
    • Use hostname instead of ip address and port number.
    • Use https instead of http.
  • Want to receive notification locally as well.


  1. Clone this repository and copy sample.env to .env. (Run on WSL2 if Windows)

    git clone https://github.com/arkbig/devbase.git
    cd devbase
    cp sample.env .env
  2. Edit .env.

    • ▸🍎 for Mac (click here to expand)

        sed -i "" "s/^CONTAINER_UID=.*/CONTAINER_UID=$(id -u)/" .env
        sed -i "" "s/^CONTAINER_GID=.*/CONTAINER_GID=$(id -g)/" .env

        # Change to your ethernet.
        sed -i "" "s/^DNSMASQ_ADDR=.*/DNSMASQ_ADDR=`ifconfig "${use_eth}" |grep 'inet '|awk 'END {print $2}'`/" .env
        # DNSMASQ_SERVER is set up but unused on Mac.
        sed -i "" -r "s/^#? ?DNSMASQ_SERVER=.*/DNSMASQ_SERVER=`cat /etc/resolv.conf|grep '^nameserver '|awk 'NR==1 {print $2}'`/" .env
      3. EXIM4_RELAY_DOMAIN / EXIM4_RELAY_ADDR This is used to forward mail received by Exim4 to EXIM4_RELAY_ADDR if the recipient is EXIM4_RELAY_DOMAIN. set if you want. It is also possible to specify multiple composites with sequential numbers such as *_1,*_2 in compose.override.yaml.

      4. COMPOSE_PROFILES If your environment does not support UDP tunneling (like Colima), enable udptunnel.

    • ▸🪟 for Windows(WSL2) (click here to expand)

        sed -i "s/^CONTAINER_UID=.*/CONTAINER_UID=$(id -u)/" .env
        sed -i "s/^CONTAINER_GID=.*/CONTAINER_GID=$(id -g)/" .env
      2. DNSMASQ_ADDR / DNSMASQ_SERVER DNSMASQ_ADDR is the fixed IP address to be given to WSL2 after this, but if you do not change it, the default is ok. I could not find a good one-liner to rewrite DNSMASQ_SERVER, so I will set it manually.Check the DNS server from the adapter you use in Windows "Network Connections". It is usually the same as the Default Gateway shown by "ipconfig" at the command prompt.

      3. EXIM4_RELAY_DOMAIN / EXIM4_RELAY_ADDR This is used to forward mail received by Exim4 to EXIM4_RELAY_ADDR if the recipient is EXIM4_RELAY_DOMAIN. set if you want. It is also possible to specify multiple composites with sequential numbers such as *_1,*_2 in compose.override.yaml.

    • ▸🐧 for Ubuntu (click here to expand)

        sed -i "s/^CONTAINER_UID=.*/CONTAINER_UID=$(id -u)/" .env
        sed -i "s/^CONTAINER_GID=.*/CONTAINER_GID=$(id -g)/" .env

        # Change to your ethernet.
        sed -i "s/^DNSMASQ_ADDR=.*/DNSMASQ_ADDR=`ip a show ${use_eth}|grep 'inet '|awk 'END {print $2}'|awk -F '/' '{print $1}'`/" .env
        # or set manually.
        sed -i "" -r "s/^#? ?DNSMASQ_SERVER=.*/DNSMASQ_SERVER=`cat /etc/resolv.conf|grep '^nameserver '|awk 'END {print $2}'`/" .env
      3. EXIM4_RELAY_DOMAIN / EXIM4_RELAY_ADDR This is used to forward mail received by Exim4 to EXIM4_RELAY_ADDR if the recipient is EXIM4_RELAY_DOMAIN. set if you want. It is also possible to specify multiple composites with sequential numbers such as *_1,*_2 in compose.override.yaml.

  3. Make certificates first.

    mkdir sslcert/.certs
    docker compose build sslcert
    docker compose run --rm sslcert
    # Stop with Ctrl-C
  4. Register sslcert/.certs/ca-My-Test.cer to the OS

    • ▸🍎 for Mac (click here to expand)
      • To Keychain Access. (Open the .cer file in the finder.)
    • ▸🪟 for Windows(WSL2) (click here to expand)
      • To MMC. (Open the .cer file in the explorer.)
        • Certificate store is "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".
      • Also installed in WSL2 (see Ubuntu)
    • ▸🐧 for Ubuntu (click here to expand)
      • Copy & Add

        sudo mkdir /usr/share/ca-certificates/self
        sudo cp ./sslcert/.certs/ca-My-Test.cer /usr/share/ca-certificates/self/
        sudo echo "self/ca-My-Test.cer" >> /etc/ca-certificates.conf
        sudo update-ca-certificates
  5. Run compose.

    docker compose up -d
    • Although an image is specified, it does not exist, so a pull will result in an error and build will run.
  6. DNS related settings

    • ▸🍎 for Mac (click here to expand)
      • ❓ Check command is sudo lsof -i:53. If TCP is present but UDP is not, as shown below, this is not supported UDP port forwarding.

        ssh       732  big   41u  IPv4 0xbeaf      0t0  TCP *:domain (LISTEN)
        🆖 UDP is missing. So run udptunnel.
      • Run udptunnel using socat. If UDP was supported, skip this next is add to resolver.

        • for host

          sudo brew install socat
          udptunnel/forward_udp.sh udptunnel/udp_forwarding.conf &
          # If you want to stop, run the following command
          # udptunnel/forward_udp.sh udptunnel/udp_forwarding.conf kill
        • for container

          COMPOSE_PROFILES=udptunnel docker compose up -d --build

          Also, you can add COMPOSE_PROFILES=udptunnel to .env

      • Add to resolver for dnsmasq

        sudo mkdir /etc/resolver
        # "test" is the domain name to be used.
        vi /etc/resolver/test
        • /etc/resolver/test contents.

          options timeout:1
          options attempts:2
          options use-vc
    • ▸🪟 for Windows(WSL2) (click here to expand)
      1. Set and run wsl2/wsl_startup.bat as administrator on host Windows. If necessary, copy wsl_env.bat to .wsl_env.bat to set variables. wsl_startup.bat does the following by default:

        • Set static ip address to WSL. (IMPORTANT here)
        • Start dockerd
        • Start sshd
        • Port forwarding for ssh

        Register wsl_startup_helper.bat in task scheduler to run as administrator at startup. Copy these like cp wsl2/wsl_startup_helper.bat to /mnt/c/Users/$USER/ first. And wsl_startup_helper.bat's arg is path to wsl_startup.bat like \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\Home\user\devbase\wsl2\wsl_startup.bat

      2. ❓ Check command is ping is the DNSMASQ_ADDR.) Both Win and WSL.

      3. Change adapter settings. Set "Use the following DNS server addresses:"

        • Preferred DNS server: (This is the DNSMASQ_ADDR.)
        • Alternate DNS server: (This is your real DNS.)
      4. For WSL2(in WSL2)

        create /etc/wsl.conf (sudo vi /etc/wsl.conf)

        generateResolvConf = false
        sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf.bak
        sudo rm /etc/resolv.conf
        sudo mv /etc/resolv.conf.bak /etc/resolv.conf
        vi /etc/resolv.conf
        options timeout:1
        options attempts:2
        # This is your real DNS ($DNSMASQ_SERVER in .env)
    • ▸🐧 for Ubuntu (click here to expand)
      • Add to /etc/resolv.conf

        options timeout:1
        options attempts:2
        # This is your real DNS ($DNSMASQ_SERVER in .env)
  7. ❓ Check.


If you want to add other services, maybe you can create a branch.

git checkout -b local

Then add it to compose.yaml. For example, if you want to add plantuml.

    image: plantuml/plantuml-server
    restart: unless-stopped
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.plantuml-${COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME:-devbase}.entrypoints=https

Once applied with docker compose up -d, PlantUML can be used at [https://plantuml-devbase.dev.test].


The self certificate is set to expire in 60 days; it is automatically renewed if the sslcert service is started, but the dynamic detection of the file does not work well on Colima and Traefik needs to be started again.

This will be automatically restarted and updated when the PC is started, as long as the PC is shut down daily.


docker compose restart


This repository's license is zlib. Please feel free to use this, but no warranty.

Also using the following OSS:

Software License
Dnsmasq License: GPL, version 3
Exim License: GPL, version 3
MailHog License: MIT
OpenSSL License: OpenSSL
Socat License: GPL, version 2
Traefik License: MIT