
Trouble with #05 - Part 1: GroceriesListItem should display a grocery name

josh18 opened this issue · 7 comments

My code

var React = require("react");

// This exercise is a bit bigger than the previous ones.
// We will make a reactive grocery list.
// Task: Fill the `return` of `GroceryList` render method. It should return
//       a list of `GroceryListItem`. You need to display the groceries names
//       using `this.props` in `GroceryListItem`. We already prepared the variable
//       `groceriesComponents` inside `render` method` containing list of these items for you.

class GroceryList extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      groceries: [ { name: "Apples" } ]

  render() {
    let groceriesComponents = [];
    // Properties are a way to pass parameters to your React components.
    // We mentioned this in the third exercise. Properties are to React
    // components what attributes are to HTML elements.
    // Below you can see how to pass properties to child components.
    // We have defined a `grocery` property for each `GroceryListItem`.
    for(var index = 0; index < this.state.groceries.length; index++) {
          <GroceryListItem grocery={this.state.groceries[index]} key={index} />

    // Hint: Don't forget about putting items into `ul`
    return (

// Render grocery name from component's properties.
// If you have problem check `this.props` in the console.
class GroceryListItem extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {

  render() {
    return (

export default GroceryList;

I'm pretty sure the issue is due to an extra <span> being inside the <li> like:

<li data-reactid=".3.$0">
    <span data-reactid=".3.$0.$name:0">Apples</span>

but I'm not sure how to fix it. Any help would be much appreciated.

Just want to render the name.

Oh right that makes sense. How come it was working (kinda) when it was an object instead of displaying [object Object]? Is that a react thing?

My understanding it's the JSX parser.
Have yet to find specific docs but as you pointed out it interpreted the grocery object and added the name property as a span element.

Really glad this issue demonstrated a potential pitfall! I find automatically rendering ithe name attribute a little disturbing. Hoping someone finds some docs that makes it feel less magic.

Guys, you can see code produced by JSX parser by just compiling the code (in case of reactjs_koans it will be placed in src directory). To compile the code, you can e.g. run tests. :)

Making this change produces this result in the compiled code:

diff src/es6/05-Challenge-GroceryList-part-1.js /tmp/1.js 

Looks like it's some sort of React magic, not jsx.

Yes, it's a React.DOM elements magic - it convert every key into span.