
A question in Marlin paper in section 5.3.2

wang12d opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello arkworks-rs, thanks for your the greater work Marlin. While reading the paper I encountered a question.

In page 28, section 5.3.2, it says:

However, in the same page equation (6) it says sums to on H. Therefor, according the univariate sumcheck for subgroups protocol introduced in section 5.1, should be written as:

if is not zero. Is my understanding about wrong or something I have missed? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

I feel it is a typo, but @Pratyush can confirm.

On Figure 5 on page 32, we can see that \sigma_1 is back. And \sigma_1 is the sum of the mask polynomial s(\kappa) on domain H, which is unlikely to be zero.

Marked as closed.

we can sample the mask polynomial to indeed sum to zero on H, so in this case the two would be equivalent.