[BUG] branch name doesn't get fully displayed
c02y opened this issue · 2 comments
Describe the bug
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
The branch name is not fully displayed.
I personally put the gitmux inside pane-border-format
, but I tried to put the config inside status-right
, it is the same result,
BTW: The setting is "branch_max_len: 0" in gitmux --printcfg
, and the branch name is fully displayed when just executing gitmux
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior.
switch to any branch such as master branch
Expected behavior
A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
The branch name should be fully displayed if branch_max_len: 0
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.
- gitmux version:
- tmux version:
tmux 3.1b
- OS
- shell (bash/fish/...)
fish shell
- your gitmux config
if you're not using the default one.
branch: '⎇ '
hashprefix: ':'
ahead: ↑·
behind: ↓·
staged: '● '
conflict: '✖ '
modified: '✚ '
untracked: '… '
stashed: '⚑ '
clean: ✔
state: '#[fg=red,bold]'
branch: '#[fg=white,bold]'
remote: '#[fg=cyan]'
staged: '#[fg=green,bold]'
conflict: '#[fg=red,bold]'
modified: '#[fg=red,bold]'
untracked: '#[fg=magenta,bold]'
stashed: '#[fg=cyan,bold]'
clean: '#[fg=green,bold]'
layout: [branch, .., remote-branch, divergence, ' - ', flags]
branch_max_len: 0
- in case the problem only happens in a specific directory, please paste the
output ofgitmux -dbg
in that directory.
Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.
Weird thing is: when I'm using a different environment, the branch name got fully displayed:
Not fully displayed:
Fully displayed:
I'll check the KDE environment later.
I'm sorry, it seems this is the bug of Konsole/Yakuake, and I don't know how to debug it. I'll close this for now.
I'll try to use Kitty or Alacritty instead for good, since Konsole/Yakuake got bugs from time to time, god, I really like the dropdown feature of Yakuake.