
Scene is flashing in desktop and browser - Rigid Body type issue

ManPython opened this issue · 3 comments

I add a big box to close "sky".

To Reproduce

Test File
(drag & drop the zipped .blend file here)

Expected behavior
Normal world scene with "roof" not unlimited sky.

System Information
Operating system: Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0 64 Bits
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 NVIDIA Corporation 4.5.0 NVIDIA 497.17

Blender Version
Broken: version: 3.6.2, branch: upbge-v0.36-release, commit date: 2023-08-18 23:50, hash: 191b76bf3e57
Worked: (newest version of Blender that worked as expected)

Armory: ArmorySDK2310
OS: w10
Graphics card: gtx 1650


It's a Rigid Body type issue: on example Collisions is Convex Hull (armory setting this as default as I experienced), when Box then no problem, but.. when Box.. players in on box not on ground..
The Armory taking first object to put from up like "gravity" rule and box as ground is infinity in case player should be "outed" outside box..
Zrzut ekranu 2023-10-04 132638
On box also flashing, but the issue is changing regarding Rigid Body type as unexpected behavior in this case.

Finally small test and operations around box broken file that can test more project (play button etc. trying rung but no effect, can again click play but not working). Reset PC, OS, Blender can help here, old file as box_2/3 working. Giving here box_3x as broken to solve this problem in future.
This all is far from expectation to use after last my tests here.