
Spotlight can't work with any Point Lights

xx1adfasd opened this issue · 3 comments

Spotlight can't work with any Point Lights

To Reproduce
Create a new blender file. Create a Plane, Create a Spotlight. This is working.
Create a Point light, run it, we will see the spotlight disapeared.
Spotlight only appear again when there's no point light or the power of the point light = 0w

Spotlight can work with Sun currectly, and multiple spotlight also works. Only the point light can't coexist with spotlight.

Expected behavior
When both point light and spotlight exists, the spotlight should't disapear

Blender: version: 3.6.5, branch: blender-v3.6-release, commit date: 2023-10-16 14:30, hash: cf1e1ed46b7e, type: release
build date: 2023-10-19, 01:09:47
platform: 'Windows-10-10.0.22631-SP0'

Armory: 2024.1
OS: Win11
Graphics card: AMD Radeon 780M Graphics

Test File

Spot light is a modified point light (is has a mask), placing more than one point light enables clusters light, for which data are treated differently.
I tried default scene with a point and spot light and it crashes:

Uniform lightsArraySpot not found. WARNING: Player exited code -11

This is related to issue #2817

Spot light is a modified point light (is has a mask), placing more than one point light enables clusters light, for which data are treated differently. I tried default scene with a point and spot light and it crashes:

Uniform lightsArraySpot not found. WARNING: Player exited code -11

This is related to issue #2817

Thank you for your comment! But I think the issue 2817 only said that the shadow of the spotlight disappeared. But in my case the spotlight disappeared completely, meaning that the "spot light" didn't cast to the plane, meaning that there is no "circle of light" on the plane (the object, "the plane", didn't be shined by the spotlight, as if there's no spotlight. Forgive my poor English. I'll explain it better if you doesn't follow. It just looks like you didn't place any spotlight at all.), and also no shadow of the object in between the plane and the spotlight either.

And also, I didn't crash when both spotlight and point light are in the same scene.

It's so strange. By the way, I have the same "Area light Crash issue". Not being able to reproduce the offical example is bothering too. (There's one Area Light example)

The Lights are the fundermentals of any 3d graphical program. Seeing this doesn't work is so frustraighting. By the way, I also have met some random other issues with Armory3d, but since it's random, I can't even make issues for them. Like some shader not working issues. I really hope that Armory3d could be more stable.

Forgive me for sharing some personal thoughts of Armory3d. I just love it so the disappointment is more painful.