
Expand Hardware Overview with common details

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It would be great to flush out the Hardware Overview and add details that your typical maker might need to know. Some of it is buried in the datasheets and some is board-specific. Some of its on the pinouts and some of its in the text below. It would be awesome to at least have it all in one table. Details that come to mind include:

  • Max current per I/O pin
  • Total supply current for all I/O pins
  • voltage tolerances per pin (any 5v tolerant?) Currently shown only on the image and for only have the board
  • analog voltage ranges
  • max analog value/resolution
  • PWM resolution & freq
  • Pull-up/pull-down resistors? Resistance?
  • pins/registry used by are user led & button
  • vin voltage range
  • details about the RTC, like accuracy or if uses a separate chip

I'm sure there's other details that would be useful but that's all I got for now. I made a kinda popular pinout for the Spark Core that the team now uses in their docs and would interested in doing the same for the Armstrap if I could have the right data.

Duped! Sorry.