Project repository for the final project in course Machine Learning Operations (02476 ) Jan 22 Edition

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


repository for ML-OPS project

Project Description

The overall aim of the project is to apply various ML-OPS tools to facilitate the further development and maintenance of a deep-learning model.

The model of interest is a Graph Neural Network developed in the Pytorch-Geometric framework. The choice of model is tentative but various implementations already exists. The model is trained on two independent dataset to predict molecular properties such as the Aqueous solubility (ESOL) and the melting point of organic compounds. As input to the models a graph with molecular attributes will be generated using the SMILEs notation and an open-source cheminformatics package RDKit.

List of ML-OPS tools to be incorporated throughout the execution of the project are:

  • Structuring of Project using cookiecutter
  • Code version control (git)
  • Data Version control (dvc)
  • Package management using conda virtual environments
  • Ensure reproducibility using MLFlow or Comet.ml, including logging, model registry and tracking
  • (Optional) Perform virtual experimentation such as hyper-parameter optimization using sweeps (Weights&Biases)
  • Comply with Pep8 standards, fix code using black or yapf
  • Create small unit tests for data pre-processing and training
  • (Optional) Distributed training
  • Deployment and monitoring of the model

The model selected is : Attentive fingerprint

Setup Conda Environment:

Update Conda: conda update --yes conda

Set up conda env: conda create -n GNN-Mol python=3.8 --yes

Activate conda env: conda activate GNN-MOL

Install conda packages:

conda install -c pytorch pytorch=1.10.1 cpuonly

conda install pyg=2.0.3 -c pyg -c conda-forge --yes

conda install -c conda-forge rdkit=2020.09.1.0 --yes

Install pip packages:

pip install -r requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements_test.txt


Create docker: docker build -t gnn:latest .

Run Docker from entrypoint: docker run gnn

Run Docker with shell as entrypoint: docker run -it --entrypoint sh gnn

Upload to Dockerhub: docker container commit CONTAINER-ID gnn-mol-latest (Get CONTAINER-ID with docker ps -a), then use docker extension to push.

To Pull: docker pull 123456789523544/gnn-mol-latest


Build from Dockerfile: docker build -f docker/Dockerfile --tag=europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/dtu-mlops-338110/gnn-mol/serve-gnn .

Run locally: docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 --name=local-gnn europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/dtu-mlops-338110/gnn-mol/serve-gnn

Test locally: cat > instances.json <<END { "instances": [ { "data": "CCCCCCCO" } ] } END

curl -X POST \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ -d @instances.json \ localhost:8080/predictions/gnn_mol

Push to GCloud Artifact Registry: gcloud auth configure-docker europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev

docker push europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/dtu-mlops-338110/gnn-mol/serve-gnn

Create a model version: gcloud beta ai-platform versions create v2 \ --region=europe-west1 \ --model=gnn_mol \ --machine-type=n1-standard-4 \ --image=europe-west1-docker.pkg.dev/dtu-mlops-338110/gnn-mol/serve-gnn \ --ports=8080 \ --health-route=/ping \ --predict-route=/predictions/gnn_mol

Test Deployment: curl -X POST \ -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" \ -d @instances.json \ https://europe-west1-ml.googleapis.com/v1/projects/dtu-mlops-338110/models/gnn_mol/versions/v4:predict

More help: https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform/prediction/docs/getting-started-pytorch-container


Project based on the cookiecutter data science project template. #cookiecutterdatascience