
Conflict with Quicksand/Portfolio

dlzi opened this issue · 4 comments

dlzi commented

Hi there,

I don't know where is the problem, but when I use pocketgrid with my portfolio, Quicksand gets weird. I used the follow tuts as the base for my portfolio. If I decide to use pocketgrid, the quicksand transitions (effects) stop working.

Any idea?


I'm quite busy for the moment (I'm preparing a new official site for PocketGrid) so I cannot test the tutorial you followed.

Maybe your problem is due to the QuickSand transitions which may not be compatible with CSS floats?

Can you put your portfolio online so that I can test it to see what's wrong?
Or could you make your source code available? (on Github or with a zip file I could download?)

dlzi commented


Sorry, I'm working locally. Once I've done I can send you the link. However, I think you nailed. The transitions issue is due the CSS floats. Once I comment for example the .block , things start working again.

So, I think I'll have to leave the grid out of my portfolio page.

Most (if not all) grid systems use floats, so I think your problem is not really a PocketGrid bug.

Let me know when you can put your portfolio online.


dlzi commented

You are right. It's not a PocketGrid bug.

I'll close this issue since it wasn't related to PocketGrid.
Sorry about that.
