
apllication hangs sometimes

Opened this issue · 1 comments

When I use the papplayer only, the app hangs sometimes.

Running the application...
2023-12-26 10:45:41.506 T:6452 info : ES: Starting UDP Event server on port 9777
2023-12-26 10:45:41.506 T:6452 info : UDP: Listening on port 9777 (ipv6 : false)
2023-12-26 10:45:41.507 T:5660 info : JSONRPC Server: Successfully initialized
2023-12-26 10:45:41.515 T:5660 info : [WS-Discovery]: Daemon started successfully.
2023-12-26 10:45:44.798 T:8252 info : CIRServerSuite::Process: failed to connect to irss, will keep retrying every 5 seconds
2023-12-26 10:45:46.859 T:5660 info : Loading skin file: MyMusicNav.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-12-26 10:45:57.387 T:8848 error : CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Stat - http://localhost:5555/artist_fanart?id=7878141 Failed: HTTP response code said error(22)
2023-12-26 10:45:57.485 T:568 error : CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Stat - http://localhost:5555/artist_fanart?id=3852703 Failed: HTTP response code said error(22)
2023-12-26 10:45:57.664 T:6304 error : CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Stat - http://localhost:5555/artist_fanart?id=5425613 Failed: HTTP response code said error(22)
2023-12-26 10:45:58.573 T:568 error : CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Stat - http://localhost:5555/artist_fanart?id=6582194 Failed: HTTP response code said error(22)
2023-12-26 10:45:59.555 T:10852 error : CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Stat - http://localhost:5555/artist_fanart?id=4533450 Failed: HTTP response code said error(22)
2023-12-26 10:45:59.645 T:568 error : CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Stat - http://localhost:5555/artist_fanart?id=9772498 Failed: HTTP response code said error(22)
2023-12-26 10:46:00.001 T:8848 error : CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Stat - http://localhost:5555/artist_fanart?id=6557240 Failed: HTTP response code said error(22)
2023-12-26 10:46:13.624 T:10852 info : Skipped 1 duplicate messages..
2023-12-26 10:46:13.624 T:10852 info : CDVDAudioCodecFFmpeg::Open() Successful opened audio decoder flac
2023-12-26 10:46:14.318 T:10852 info : AudioDecoder: File is queued
2023-12-26 10:46:14.333 T:10852 info : PAPlayer::PrepareStream - Ready
2023-12-26 10:46:21.645 T:5660 info : Loading skin file: MusicVisualisation.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-12-26 10:46:23.742 T:5660 info : Loading skin file: MusicOSD.xml, load type: KEEP_IN_MEMORY
2023-12-26 10:47:28.464 T:11108 info : PAPlayer::ProcessStream - Stream Finished

think it is an buffer issue.

Now I add this to advancedsettings.xml: Example4 in kodi wiki