
Available space calculation

damoosenrw opened this issue · 2 comments


thank you very much for this app. I really like and it and use it often.

I have a requirement which would be very nice if to be built in.

I am using a certain hosting product which gives me "unlimited" space.

Unlimited means: when the space used exceeds 75% of the space available, I get an additional GB each day until the space available reaches less then 75%. Currently I am uploading my photos, music and videos which already exceed 230 GB.

To make it more visual:

The available space is 100GB. I use 80GB which makes a percentage of 80%. So would get one additional GB for seven days. Now, 80 GB of 107 GB = 74,76%.

Additionaly, the graph for the past months usage should be extended by a line which indicates the currently available space.

So, to make a long story short: it would be nice to be able to define a function calculating the space available depending on the space used. So I can immediately see the amount of data I can upload today ;-)

Kind regards,


Darn, that is a complicated one.
If i understand it correctly.
You want an extra line on "Storage usage last month" which shows on what the day the maximum GB allowed was?

Interesting case, did not think about this at all. I will take this case in consideration.

However you could see your percentage at "Current storage usage", there you would know if you could upload immediately.

I am having a bit more priority with redesigning the interface for a large amount of users. But this is definitely an interesting case which i will keep open.

Hello Arno,
I really appreciate that you keep this enhancement in mind.

Yes, an additional line would be nice. But the line / the value needs to be calculated following a certain formula. And from my point of view, this is the real punch line here.

In fact you are right, that this information would also be available in the pie chart. But I like the idea to see how my available space is growing in the line chart ;-)

Kind regards,
