sPlot returns NAN sWeights
marthaisabelhilton opened this issue · 3 comments
I am currently trying to use help_ml splot and am getting some sWeights as nan. I am using a sample of ~1.4M events and this seems to be happening after event ~200k. I have checked the signal and background probabilities and these look reasonable. I have also checked the sWeights before event ~200k and these also look reasonable. I have checked the sWeighted signal and background distributions for a relevant pT variable and these also look ok.
So I am wondering is there some reason they will not be calculated correctly after a certain event? Any help would be much appreciated.
What fraction of events get a NaN value? You should inspect the input data for the entries that get a NaN weight asit might be that, for example, you're feeding the log of some column which is negative for a handful of events.
I agree with @alexpearce
I'd expect problems with input - please check range of both input probs and weights, and presence of NaNs or infty values.
Sorry for the spam I realised the problem was with the indexing of the dataframes - I was trying to copy the sWeights dataframe to an existing dataframe and the indexes where not matching so the empty values were being filled with nans.