
Improve feed fetching

arojunior opened this issue · 3 comments

The Github's GraphQL API do not take long queries, so I now it's fetching just the last 10 users that you follow and if you want more data you need to click on "Load more" button.

The problem is:
1 - You actually do not see the last whole activity, because it's only about 10 users at a time;
2 - There's a big work ordering the fetched data in all queries, so every time you click on "Load more", it's fetching more 10 users and ordering again. The huge problem is that you actually don't see it as a timeline, knowing that at the end of the page you see old things from these 10 users and when you ask to fetch more, you fetch newer data from the next 10.

Does anybody wanna help?

Hello friend, I am interested in working on this resource. I found the project very interesting. Perform a project analysis and submit a pull request

@DEXTERNATAN Awesome! The work is already in progress on develop branch, a contribution is more than welcome.

I've moved some implementation to the server side:
It's already merged there.

In the client-side the PR is still opened, I was facing some problems and didn't merge because of it. PR #52